University of Southern Indiana

Student Worker Appreciation Week

Student Worker Appreciation Week February 7-11 2022. Image of cartoon "Wow!"

FEBRUARY 7 - 11, 2022

What exactly is Student Worker Appreciation Week?

This is the time in the school year that each department across campus says "Thank You" to our hard working Student Workers for their efforts and support throughout the school year.

If this is your first time having a student worker in your area, or you are looking for fresh or new ideas, look no further.

We can help! Check out the ideas below, or visit our Resources page for downloads.

Staff Council has collected ideas from several departments across campus on how they have appreciated their student workers in the past and/or how they plan to appreciate them this year. Check it out!

• Our office usually has a carry-in for the students and I make “appreciation” certificates with each of their names on them. - Chris Jines, Career Services

• In our office we take up a collection for the student workers, whatever anyone wants to give, we leave the envelope by the mailboxes and give people one week to collect money. Then we split the money between the student workers and either put it on their Eagle Access cards or purchase Starbucks gift cards. - Shannon Hoehn, Information Technology (IT)

• We usually make them up a bag of candy, etc and give each one of them one and sometimes we have food day for them. - Sylvia Dillworth, Admissions

• We have posted photos of all of our student workers in office windows, in one of the display cases and on the library home page. Those who work in the checkout area are usually treated to baked goods and snack items to enjoy throughout the week. We have even created treat bags that they can take with them. We also create a banner of some kind thanking them for the job they do and how they help make all of our jobs easier. - Debbie Clark, Rice Library Checkout

• At the Division of Outreach and Engagement, in the past the staff bring in food (mostly home-made) and pizza to share, small presents, ‘thank you’ cards, we take their pictures, and try to make them feel appreciated. - Cindi Kueber, Outreach & Engagement

• Over the years, I’ve tried to recognize the contributions that my student workers, known as Reference Student Assistants (RSAs), have made to the success of Rice Library by giving them a small gift (candy, chocolates, caramel popcorn, fruit) in conjunction with monthly holidays (e.g. October – Halloween, November – Thanksgiving, etc.) A number of years ago, Student Employee Appreciation Week was celebrated in April. At that time, I would usually give them a small token of appreciation such as a note pad, a set of pencils, or a marker. Now that Student Worker Appreciation Week is scheduled around Valentine’s Day, I continue to do the same but I also give them a small box of chocolates to say Happy Valentine’s Day as well. - Phil Orr, Rice Library Reference Services

• The Foundation Office has two student workers. Their immediate supervisor normally takes care of her own student employee. When I worked in HR, everyone brought in a variety items to fill a big laundry basket – snacks, candy, lotion, soap, paper products, etc. - Mary Ann Bernard, Foundation

• University Division and Academic Skills has a carry-in luncheon for all student workers in both departments. - Susie Schroeder, University Division/Academic Skills

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