Physician Assistants (PAs) are experts in general medicine that can treat, diagnose, and prescribe medication. PAs can have specialties in primary care, surgery, emergency medicine, or internal medicine and work for physicians, hospitals, or other qualified health centers.
Entry level for a Physician Assistant is a Master’s Degree. PA schools accept students with a Bachelor’s degree in any major as long as a student has all prerequisite courses. Admission to PA programs is highly competitive. Application is usually based on a number of factors:
These requirements can be satisfied in both the Biology and Biochemistry majors. You must check specific programs for up to date requirements. Sometimes pre-requisite coursework must be completed by the time of application although a completed Bachelor’s is not required at that time. You can find more information about PA programs from the American Association of Physician Assistants.
For more information about Pre-Physician Assistant preparation in the Biology Major, please contact:
For more information about Pre-Physician Assistant preparation in the Biochemistry or Chemistry Majors, please contact: