Plant Index
Trail Map

A Guide to the Wildflowers
of Twin Swamps Nature Preserve

Early Spring


Flower photos
By season
By habitat
By color

Click on the pictures to see full-sized photos and more information.
For more help on finding flowers, please see
This Is How I've Arranged the Photos

LOW, WET: The following plants tend to be found in the lowest, muddiest areas of the preserve.

Common violet
Viola papilionacea

Swamp buttercup
Ranunculus septentrionalis

Poison ivy
Toxicodendron radicans

Spring cress
Cardamine bulbosa

LOW, DRY: The following plants tend to be found in low but better-drained areas of the preserve.

Rue anemone
Thalictrum thalictroides

Smooth yellow violet
Viola eriocarpa

Common violet
Viola papilionacea

HIGH, DRY: The following plants tend to be found in the highest, well-drained areas of the preserve.

Virginia bluebells
Mertensia virginica

Rue anemone
Thalictrum thalictroides

Spring beauty
Claytonia virginica

Wild geranium
Geranium maculatum

Hound's tongue
Cynoglossum virginianum

Cut-leaved toothwort
Dentaria laciniata

Lindera benzoin

Yellow corydalis
Corydalis flavula

Smooth yellow violet
Viola eriocarpa

American gromwell
Lithospermum latifolium

Uvularia sessilifolia

CYPRESS SWAMP: These plants tend to be found in the cypress swamp
and can be seen from the boardwalk.

Yellow water
Ranunculus flabellaris

Plant Index
Trail Map