University of Southern Indiana

Dollar Thresholds and Quotation Requirements


Dollar Thresholds:


*NOTE: Please reference the "How to Buy at USI: Commodity Guide" to help determine the correct payment method for orders over $500. If you are still unsure, then please contact Procurement at extension 1982.

  • All orders $500 and over must use BuyUSI.
    This includes the following:
    • Catalog Vendors
    • Office Supplies
    • IT equipment/supplies/Software
    • Scientific Equipment
    • Medical equipment/supplies
    • Construction
    • Furniture
    • Printing


The following exceptions apply:

Use P-Card with NO $$ limit for the following:

  • Memberships/Subscriptions/dues
  • Academic Testing
  • Academic Accreditation Fees
  • Applications
  • Non-Travel Dining/Restaurant
  • Gift Cards
  • Advertising


  • If the order is $499.99 or less and the supplier is not a catalog vendor or cannot be ordered from a catalog vendor, then a department credit card may be used.

  • If the department credit card is declined because of the MCC Code (Merchant Category Code), then the order should be entered in BuyUSI:
    • The department will enter a requisition in BuyUSI and Procurement will process the requisition similar to any other PO. These mainly are for one-time purchases that are over $500.


Quote Thresholds:

Catalog Orders (punch-out catalogs):

Non-Catalog vendor purchases (those using a Banner vendor):

Federally Funded Orders over $10,000:

  • Requires three quotes

Renovation/Construction Orders (Effective July 1, 2021):


Contact Julie Weinzapfel


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