University of Southern Indiana

Josh Wildeman

Joshua Wildeman
Mr. Joshua Wildeman
Instructor in Kinesiology and Sport
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Contact: 812-465-1678
Screaming Eagles Complex 341


USI students enrolled in Kinesiology and Sport KIN 485 Methods of Personal Training paired students with clients from the faculty and staff of the Pott College. The student-trainers met with the clients twice each week on Monday and Wednesday mornings at the RFWC to train for approximately one hour. This service learning approach gives students an opportunity to get hands-on experience in the career field they are preparing to enter. The student-trainer was responsible for conducting a client consultation, a client-fitness pre-assessment, developing an exercise prescription, and conducting a post-assessment at the conclusion of the program. In addition, this program provides students with an opportunity teach exercise technique, develop a professional client-trainer rapport, and experience the organizational skills and professional responsibilities necessary to be successful in their future field. From the perspective of the faculty and staff members who are participating in the program, they received an individualized exercise program geared specifically to their health and wellness goals. The clients are also given exercise prescription and lifestyle modifications outside of their personal training sessions in an effort to further facilitate the achievement of their wellness goals.

Contact Dr. Monica O'Neil


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