University of Southern Indiana
Students taking a test

Verbal Skills For The SAT

Cut the SAT Reasoning Test down to size by developing standardized test-taking strategies, identifying study priorities and working practice questions. Hands-on experience will give students practice with topics covered in the SAT and give students confidence for test day. This course focuses on the SAT but is beneficial for any student preparing to take a standardized exam. The verbal course will provide skills, tips, and interactive practice in short answer selections, critical reading comprehension and essay pointers. Pizza will be served for lunch, students can bring their own drink or change for the vending machine. If there is an allergy concern, a non-perishable lunch may be brought.

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  • What other Lifelong Learners say about this course:

    "My experience was great. I learned important tips that I know will greatly increase my scores."

    Maddie K.
    Evansville, Indiana

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