Apply Now

Great! Now, take the next steps.

  1. Submit an online application, a $40 application fee, and the name and contact information of a professional reference.
  2. Upload the following to your application account:
    • A well-written cover letter of approximately 500 words indicating how your education or work experience has prepared you for graduate studies and how the Master of Arts in English degree fits with your personal or professional goals.
    • writing sample of approximately 3,500 words. Examples include literary analyses, rhetorical analyses, grant applications, or any other kind of professional writing. If necessary, you may submit two documents totaling 3,500 words.
  3. Submit official transcripts to Graduate Studies.
  4. International applicants may be required to submit additional information.

Graduate Application


Charles Conaway
Director, Master of Arts in English

fas fa-map-marker-alt Robert D. Orr Center 3012
fas fa-mobile-alt (812) 461-5435
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