University of Southern Indiana

Hillard Lyons CIO to present "Lessons Learned as a Portfolio Manager"

Hillard Lyons CIO to present "Lessons Learned as a Portfolio Manager"

2/7/2019 | University Communications

Mark Nickel, Hilliard Lyons senior vice president and chief investment officer, will present “Lessons Learned as a Portfolio Manager” at the University of Southern Indiana. This event will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, in BE0035 in the Business and Engineering Center. The presentation is free and open to students, faculty, administrators and the public.

As chief investment officer of Hilliard Lyons, Nickel oversees the firm’s investment strategy, portfolio management and investment support for Hilliard Wealth Advisors and clients. He also leads the Investment Strategy and Research department, which produces weekly, monthly and quarterly publications and videos presenting the unique Hilliard approach to markets and providing guidance on the global world of investing. 

Nickel is a Certified Financial Planner™ with 20 years of experience in the investment industry. He chairs Hilliard Lyons’ Investment Strategy and Research group roundtable, which meets monthly to analyze market trends and make recommendations. Nickel also chairs the Investment Committee for Hilliard Lyons Trust Company and is a member of its Strategic Planning Team.

Nickel earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Louisville and a master’s degree in business administration from Smurfit School of Business, University College of Dublin (Ireland). He and his family reside in Louisville, where he serves on the University of Louisville Foundation Board of Directors and as a board member of Discovery Ministries.



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