University of Southern Indiana

Lockton Company moves to analysis phase on support staff evaluation

Lockton Company moves to analysis phase on support staff evaluation

6/15/2017 | University Communications
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Lockton Company, hired by the University this spring to evaluate support staff compensation, finished reviewing job descriptions and the study is now in the analysis phase. Lockton Company will now compare market data to the job descriptions, and will conduct a “total rewards analysis,” which means that, along with compensation, they will look at USI’s medical benefits, as well as retirement packages and vacation and sick time. This will enable them to compare USI’s total benefits with those of similar institutions.

Lockton Company received a 53 percent response rate from the employee survey conducted last month. These results also will be taken into consideration as they make recommendations.

During the analysis phase, Lockton will identify job families and develop career ladders within those job families. Additional town hall meetings will be scheduled later this summer, during which Lockton Company will go over the preliminary results.

The next phase of the project will be slotting jobs into a salary structure in preparation for making final recommendations.

Additional information about the study and contact information is available online.

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