University of Southern Indiana

‘Phenomenal women’ to be honored March 26

‘Phenomenal women’ to be honored March 26

3/21/2003 | University Communications
The awards ceremony for the 2003 Phenomenal Women of USI and the Community Recognition Program will begin at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, in Carter Hall in the University Center on the University of Southern Indiana campus.

Presented in conjunction with Women’s History Month, the program honors phenomenal women who have played a role in history, made an impact on the lives of people in the community, or served as role models for the young women of today.  

Nearly 25 women received nominations in three categories: USI student, community-at-large, and posthumous memorial. Award subcategories include leadership, community service, health and science, education, business, the arts, and home and family.  

2003 Nominees for the Phenomenal Women
of USI and the Community Recognition Program

USI Students
· Senior Dawn Dycus (Health and Science)

· Senior Stephanie Betz (Leadership)

· Senior Britney Gentry (Leadership)

· Senior Brandi Harmon (Leadership)

· Graduate student Holly Dunn (Community Service)

· Junior Amanda Guthrie (Community Service)

· Junior Nazli Karaagac (Community Service)

· Junior Natasha Rea (Community Service)

· Junior Nicole Rea (Community Service)

· Sara Davies (Leadership)

· Marcia Lynch (Leadership and Community Service)

· Susanne Stanley, USI travel coordinator (Leadership)

· Karen Tannenbaum (Leadership)

· Monserrate Woehler (Leadership and Community Service)

· Bettie Engelbrecht (Community Service)

· Shirley James (Community Service)

· Dr. Nancy Kovanic, lead consultant, Organizational and Professional Development Team, USI Extended Services (Community Service and Education)

· Trudy Mitchell (Community Service)

· Marcella Stein (Community Service)

· Linda Henderson (Education)

· Dr. Eva Jermakowicz, associate professor of accounting (Education)

· Vera Chester (Business)

· Kristen Tucker (Business)

Posthumous Memorial
· Sherry Crawford (Education)

The free public program is presented by the USI Multicultural Center and the Evansville Chapter of the American Association of University Women. Old National Bank is underwriting the awards.

A Vendor Fair at 6 p.m. will precede the recognition program. For additional information, call 812/465-7188.

Contact John Farless


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