CONSTITUTION Article I - Name Article II - Mission Article III - Membership Article IV - Officers Article V - Meetings Article VI - Amendments |
BY-LAWS I. Duties of Officers II. Executive Council III. Membership Qualifications IV. Dues V. Fundraisers VI. Quorum VII. Committees VIII. Parliamentary Guides/Procedures IX. Organizational Chart |
The name of this organization shall be the Latinos Unidos (USI's Hispanic Student Union).
It is the mission of Latinos Unidos to promote the recognition and involvement of Hispanic students at the University of Southern Indiana. The LU intends to create a strong voice on campus to make an impact on the decisions regarding students at USI. The LU shall also encourage academic achievement and personal development in leadership, time management, organizational and communication skills among its membership. In addition, the LU will promote both academic and extra-curricular programs to enhance and increase the knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Vice President of Membership Development
Regular meetings will be held on the first and fourth Wednesday of each month during the Academic Year in UC 205 at 4:00 p.m. No meetings will occur during nonclass days or days the University is closed. Special call meetings will be arranged as necessary and announced by the president. A change of meeting room or location is handled solely by Scheduling Services. All meetings must be held on campus in a campus building, which excludes student apartments and recreation rooms.
The Constitution may be amended at the annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of those eligible to vote. However, the proposed amendment must be submitted in writing at a previous meeting. Note: Before an amendment or a clause can be included or discussed at a regular or special call meeting, all members must be in good financial standing.
Duties of the Officers
A. President
B. Vice President of Membership Development
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
All monies are channeled through the treasurer, to be officially transacted and immediately transferred into the LU account within 24 hours or the next business day following any activity, event, etc. The treasurer is responsible for all monetary transactions, recordings, and should maintain all receipts for a minimum of two (2) academic years. In addition, the treasurer must meet with the executive council to discuss any withdrawals from the LU account and/or any transactions that may affect the LU account. It is customary that the LU operate out of its treasury for some of its functions and co-sponsorships in conjunction with the Multicultural Center.
Note: Permanent copies must be made before any receipts and/or transactions can be discarded. These copies should be kept in the LU files for the duration of the term as specified in the constitution and by-laws.
E. Historian
F. Parliamentarian
Executive Council
The Executive Council is made up of the advisor(s) and the following officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian and parliamentarian. The executive council will meet on a monthly basis to report on the status of committees and their activities, to discuss upcoming events, and to curtail potential problems. Officers shall be elected and voted on by the membership. Election of officers will be held the third week of April. Any LU member interested in fulfilling the offices of president and/or vice president must maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. All remaining officers must have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. These students must also provide proof of their GPA on a cumulative basis to the LU advisor(s) or the Multicultural Center Office. Each officer shall hold an office for a one-year term.
Vacancies, resignations, and removal procedures for elected officers
In case a vacancy or resignation occurs in the office of president, the vice president shall fill this vacancy until the next election is held. In the event of subsequent vacancies in the office of president, the order of succession shall be vice president, secretary, and then treasurer.
In the case of the resignation of a LU officer, that officer must willingly submit a typewritten letter of resignation to the executive council two weeks prior to a regularly scheduled meeting. The council will, in turn, carry out all proper procedures by a majority vote of the executive council, eligible members, or by a quorum of 12 active members.
Any officer or member of the executive council may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the executive board or by a majority of eligible members in good standing at a special call meeting for this purpose.
Membership Qualifications
All students considering membership in the LU must meet the following criteria:
Failure to maintain any of the above regulations will breach the opportunity to occupy a seat and have access to all voting rights and privileges.
LU members are taxed in the amount of $20 for membership dues for the academic year. Exceptions to this must be approved by the LU advisor who is then responsible for notifying the Treasurer.
LU members will have and participate in a minimum of four to six fundraisers per academic year. Moreover, LU members will have and participate in a minimum of two to three fundraisers per semester. All purchases acquired by the LU for the purpose of fundraising must be sold and/or purchased by LU members prior to the next academic semester (excluding all summer terms).
Twelve (12) active members shall constitute a quorum. An active member is one who is in good financial standing and attends regularly scheduled meetings throughout the academic year, exercises all voting rights and privileges, shows interest, commitment, and loyalty to the organization.
All committees are distinguished by their powers and duties, which are outlined below.
Standing committees and their responsibilities:
Membership - to encourage and to lend assistance to the recruitment of new members and to LU's efforts to improve the participation and attainment of Hispanic students enrolled at the University; to make students aware of and to invite students to LU meetings, activities, and events via Phone-a-thon Recruitments
Membership Development - to develop and to present programs that encourage academic achievement, personal development, and cultural appreciation among its membership; to assist with the planning of special events/activities to observe various holidays; to assist with collaborative efforts between community and volunteer agencies for community service projects
Finance - to construct an annual LU budget; to monitor expenditures; to identify sources of revenue to support LU programs, functions, activities and events; and to assist in the planning fundraisers to maintain a balance
Fundraising - to build and to increase the LU treasury and to maintain a good cash flow in the LU account
Publicity - to develop and to distribute publications that promote the LU and its mission as a means of gaining public attention and support for the organization; to develop an informative website on the LU and its membership; to submit LU information to the Multicultural Center Administrative Assistant, to News and Information Services and to other USI publications as a means of gaining additional publicity
Note: The following may approve additional committees:
Parliamentary Procedures
The LU shall determine its rules and proceedings. The recorded minutes of organized procedures and policies shall stand as precedent policy. The parliamentary authority shall be Robert's Rules of Order and carried out by the parliamentarian.