Preamble The University of Southern Indiana University Handbook is primarily for the faculty, administrative and support staff of the University. The aim of the University Handbook is to assemble basic information, including practices, policies, rules, regulations and procedures which are of importance and general interest to the USI faculty and staff members.
This University Handbook represents policy and procedural statements which have been approved specifically for the University of Southern Indiana. In an evolving and dynamic institution of higher education, policies and procedures are subject to constant change and revision; and the University, through appropriate processes, reserves the right to add, amend or repeal policies and procedures and related publications, regulations, rules, resolutions, standing orders and rules of procedures, in whole or part. This University Handbook is for informational purposes only. Every effort has been made to assure accuracy. However, should any conflict arise between the explanations presented in the University Handbook and the text of master policies, the text of the master policies shall govern in all cases. The president of the University is authorized to grant exceptions to established policies.
Prior to 2009, all reference to "he," "his" or "him" is gender neutral. Since 2009, as policies are updated, gender references will be altered to reflect both genders, as in "he or she," "his or her" and "him or her." With the restructuring of the support staff classification system, all reference to "support staff" shall be intended to apply to non-exempt support staff. As policies are updated, corrections to these references will be made.
Procedures for Amendment of the University Handbook
All requests for policy additions, deletions and revisions should be forwarded to the Executive Director of Human Resources. Requests will be forwarded to the administrative council for approval.
A list of the most recent handbook changes is available online.
Thank you for your effort in remaining current with University policies and procedures.