University of Southern Indiana

Support Staff Compensation Study

The University has engaged the services of a compensation consultant, Lockton Company, based in St. Louis, Missouri, to study University of Southern Indiana support staff salaries and total reward structures. Lockton has worked in the higher education community throughout the Midwest, including recent contracts for similar studies with Washington University, Saint Louis University, Misericordia and Centre College. While salaries and total reward structures have been reviewed for some segments of the University, this is the first study of this kind for support staff.

No one’s position will be eliminated as a result of this study. Rather, the goal is to come away with a salary model that will guide future decisions related to hiring and salary progression for support staff. Results also will influence the University’s discussions regarding issues of salary compression, career development and total rewards (i.e. salary and benefits), and the resources and priorities required for addressing any issues.

Town Hall meeting to discuss results from the support staff compensation study

Six town hall meetings were held on Wednesday, January 31 and Thursday, February 1.

All support staff personnel and their respective supervisor(s) were invited to attend one of these sessions, which was facilitated by Lockton Company, discussing the the support staff engagement survey findings and the results from the study. 

Town Hall Meeting Recording

View presentation slides here. 


February 1, 2018 - Lockton Study Presentation
Lockton Company presented several presentations to support staff and supervisors. If you missed the presentation, you may view it here.

January 10, 2018 - Town hall dates and locations set for Lockton Study next steps
Lockton Company has completed its analysis and shared the results of their work with the University's executive team. Town Halls will be held...

December 21, 2017 - Support staff compensation study next steps
Town hall meetings will be held on Wednesday, January 31 and Thursday, February 1 to discuss the employee survey, total rewards analysis and next steps...

September 19, 2017 - Lockton consultants give update on support staff salary study
Ashley McGuire and Mary Mosqueda, compensation consultants with Lockton Company recently provided updates on the ongoing USI support staff salary compensation study...

July 28, 2017 - Lockton nearing completion of analysis stage of compensation review
The steering committee is happy to announce that compensation consultant, Lockton Company's analysis of the support staff survey is almost complete...  

June 15, 2017 - Lockton moves to analysis phase on support staff evaluation
Lockton Company, hired by the University this spring to evaluate support staff compensation, finished reviewing job descriptions and the study is now in the analysis phase... 

May 30, 2017 - Lockton survey reminder for support staff
Support staff employees should have received a University of Southern Indiana Employee Survey from Lockton Companies, an outside consulting firm on Thursday, May 25.... 

May 19, 2017 - Lockton Company support staff compensation review update
Lockton Company is currently in the process of reviewing USI support staff job descriptions, which were updated and sent to them...

April 5, 2017 - Town Hall meeting will discuss support staff compensation study
The University has engaged the services of a compensation consultant, Lockton Company, based in St. Louis, Missouri, to study University of Southern Indiana support staff salaries and total reward structures...

Town Hall meeting to discuss support staff compensation study

Three town hall meetings were held on Wednesday, April 12.

All support staff personnel and their respective supervisor(s) were invited and encouraged to attend one of these sessions, which was facilitated by Lockton Company, discussing the upcoming study and the University’s priorities moving forward. Due to space limitations, the meetings were open to support staff and their supervisors only. 

Town Hall Meeting Recording

Steering Committee

To ensure the study is informed and transparent, a steering committee was established in January of 2017. Steering committee members have worked to ensure the project’s goals are achieved, key milestones are delivered and have collaborated directly with Lockton. We are pleased so far with the enthusiasm from departments and employees across the University to participate in this important work, and to have Staff Council leadership represented on the steering committee.

Steering Committee Members

If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact a steering committee member directly. 

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