University of Southern Indiana

Alternate Work Arrangements FAQ

What is an alternate work location?

Approved work location(s) within 90 miles from campus other than the employee’s Regularly Assigned Place of Employment where official University business is performed.

What is hybrid work?

Hybrid work is the ongoing, regularly scheduled work arrangement that allows performance of normal work duties both on-campus at the employee's Regularly Assigned Place of Employment where official University business is performed and off-campus at an Alternate Work Location. Hybrid Work can occur at an Alternate Work Location for up to two days per week and must not be used to substitute for caregiving services of any kind.

What is a compressed work week?

The scheduling of a traditional 37.5-hour work week into four days by adjusting the number of hours worked per day. This arrangement is only suitable for hourly (support) employees since exempt (administrative) employees may regularly work beyond 37.5 hours and 5 days per week. In a Compressed Workweek, the number of hours scheduled per day may not exceed 10 hours. Compressed workweek is not available during weeks that include a paid holiday. 

What is an alternate work schedule?

A modified work schedule with variable arrival, departure and/or lunch times. It is typically designed to enable employees to come in earlier or leave later than the organization's normal hours of operation. This should generally be a consistent modification from week to week. 

I am interested in an alternate work arrangement. Who do I make this request to?

Complete the Alternate Work Arrangement Request Form.  Your request will be routed to your supervisor, Dean/Director and Vice President for review.  

What is the purpose of the Alternate Work Arrangement form?

The Alternate Work Arrangement Request Form captures details about alternate work arrangements including work location and work schedules. In addition, it documents approvals of all parties including the employee, supervisor, Dean/Director and Vice President.

Who is responsible for submitting an Alternate Work Arrangement form?

Employees are responsible for submitting their own Alternate Work Arrangement Request Form. 

How long is an approved Alternate Work Arrangement approved?

Any alternate work arrangement will be on a trial basis from September 10, 2022, to December 22, 2022, and January 21, 2023, to August 11, 2023, and may be discontinued at any time.

Faculty work schedules are often flexible with varied times of work and time on and off campus throughout the day. Do faculty need to submit a request for Alternate Work Arrangement?

No. The flexible course of work for a faculty member that includes varied times of work during a day/evening and coming on and off campus does not necessitate a remote work agreement.

Is there an option to perform my normal work duties 100% remotely at a location away from my Regular Assigned Place of Employment?

Not at this time.

Do temporary changes to the remote work location warrant a change in my alternate work arrangement?

No. Temporary changes in location such as travel to a conference or a short duration, less than summer trip, do not warrant a change in the agreement. Only regular recurring changes will require adjustments to any approved Alternate Work Arrangements.

Are there restrictions to where my Alternate Work Location can be located?

Yes, hybrid work arrangements must be located within a 90-mile radius of campus. However, some fully remote or hybrid arrangements that allow for more distance may be considered with pre-approval by Human Resources and relevant Vice President when the remote work location is acceptable due to tax, payroll, workers compensation, employment policies/practices etc.  

Can two locations be listed for the remote work location on the Alternate Work Arrangement Request Form?

No, for payroll tax purposes, the employee must choose one location.

Can a supervisor, Dean/Director, or Vice President deny my request for an Alternate Work Arrangement?

Yes, it is within the discretion of the immediate supervisor, Dean/Director and/or Vice President, if applicable, to deny the employee’s alternate work arrangement request in its entirety.

Under what circumstances can a supervisor change or terminate my approved Alternate Work Arrangement?

The University, including the employee’s immediate supervisor can discontinue the employee’s participation in an Alternate Work Arrangement at any time and for any reason.

Is base compensation impacted by work location for hybrid workers?

No, all existing terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to the position description, salary, benefits, vacation time, sick time, overtime and compensatory time remain the same.

What happens if an employee with an approved Alternate Work Arrangement wants to change or terminate their approved arrangement under the policy?

The employee should discuss this with their supervisor. All employee-proposed changes or requests to terminate an alternative work arrangement are subject to supervisor, Dean/Director,  and Vice President.  

Is a request for a disability accommodation determined under the Alternate Work Arrangement policy?

No. All requests for disability accommodations are processed through the interactive process discussion involving the employees, supervisor and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator or designee. For questions regarding the accommodation process, contact the Interim ADA Coordinator at or 812-625-4583.

My alternate work location is my home. What happens if I have an accident while working remotely?

Employees are expected to maintain their remote workspace in a safe manner, free from safety hazards. Injuries sustained by the employee in a remote office location in conjunction with their regular work duties may be covered by the University’s workers’ compensation policy, and consequently, employees are responsible for reporting work related injuries to the University’s Human Resources department within 24 hours.

Can my supervisor require me to come to campus?

Yes, when operational needs require, your supervisor may require you to work at your Regularly Assigned Place of Employment.   

Will my expenses be paid for if I am required to report to campus?

No, expenses for required travel to and from the University or the Regularly Assigned Place of Employment, are the responsibility of the employee and not the University.

Am I responsible for using and providing my own personal phone at my alternate work location?

While the University will not provide you with a phone at alternate work locations, the University has resources available to route your university phone to your desktop remotely through Jabber remote phone software.

Where do I direct further questions regarding the Alternate Work Arrangement policy?

Questions can be directed to your supervisor, Dean/Director, Vice President or Human Resources.

What do I do if my internet services are disrupted, or I lose power while I am working at an approved alternate location?

As per policy, if an employee’s alternate work location is not available due to situations such as a power or internet outage, the employee must return to campus to complete their workday or take vacation time if approved by their supervisor.





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