University of Southern Indiana

Workplace FAQ

I am a faculty member, staff member or student worker and have been diagnosed with a disability. Do I have to tell my supervisor or the University?

No, you do not have to disclose a disability if it does not interfere with your ability to perform your responsibilities or require an accommodation. If your condition worsens, you can reserve the right to notify the University at that time. However, if you choose not to disclose your condition, the University will not be aware of any possible accommodations needed.

I am a faculty member, staff member or student worker who needs a disability-related accommodation to do my job. Whom do I contact to request the accommodation?

Faculty members, staff members and student workers are encouraged to begin the accommodation process by communicating their needs directly to their immediate supervisors. In responding to your request, the supervisor will discuss your needs with you and will review your job description and the operational needs of your department. In most cases, this simple process will meet your accommodation needs in a timely manner. If you and your supervisor are unable to come to an agreement, or if your accommodation needs are complex, either party can contact Human Resources for assistance. You can also contact Human Resources if you are uncomfortable approaching your supervisor at any point in the accommodation process. For further information on this process read the Faculty, Staff and Student Worker Accommodation Request Process.

I am a faculty member, staff member or student worker who has requested a disability-related accommodation. Must I provide medical documentation to support my request?

As is the University's right under the ADA, in some cases you may be asked to provide documentation from a medical professional to confirm your accommodation need. This generally occurs when an accommodation need is not readily apparent or if the need is complex. In some cases, documentation will help us in identifying possible accommodations for your specific situation. Any records that you do provide will be requested and managed by Human Resources and will be treated confidentially.

I am a faculty member, staff member or student worker with a disability who is not currently receiving accommodations. Before I talk to my supervisor, I would like some information about my rights and about accommodations. Who do I contact?

For general information about your rights as a person with a disability, you can contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email . The ADA Coordinator can also offer general suggestions on accommodations. However, for guidance on accommodations that specifically meet your needs, you are also encouraged to consult with your medical professionals.

I am a faculty member, staff member or student worker with a disability who believes that I am not being appropriately treated or accommodated by my supervisor. Who do I contact?

Whenever possible, faculty members, staff members and student workers are encouraged to try resolving these issues by following the natural chain of command in their respective departments. For example, if you have an issue with your immediate supervisor, start by reporting your concern to their supervisor. If this is unsuccessful, continue to move up the chain until a resolution is reached. In the majority of cases, this will be the most efficient method of resolving such concerns. However, if you are uncomfortable with this process or are unable to reach a resolution following the chain of command, at any time you can contact the Director or Assistant Director of Human Resources at 812-464-1770 for assistance.

I am faculty member, staff member or student worker with a disability who has been receiving a workplace accommodation. However, my condition has changed and I need different or additional accommodations in order to perform my responsibilities. What do I do?

If at any time your accommodations are not working, you should contact your supervisor for a re-evaluation of your accommodation needs. Depending on your circumstances, this may require a referral to the Director or Assistant Director of Human Resources, and you may be asked to provide further documentation to support your need for different or additional accommodations.

Still have questions?
View more FAQ or contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email .

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