University of Southern Indiana

Student FAQ

I need information on such topics as what accommodations are available and on how or if I qualify as a student with a disability. I am also unsure of how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to me. Where do I start?

You will find answers to the majority of your general questions about USI's student accommodation process on the the Disability Resources website. If you have additional questions about your specific needs and circumstances, you can directly contact the Manager of Disability Resources (812-464-1961 or email ). For general questions about your rights under the ADA or other disability rights laws, you can contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email .

I am a student who needs disability-related academic accommodations. Who do I contact to request the accommodation?

In order to receive the specific academic accommodations for which students with disabilities are eligible, they must follow the University's established procedures for requesting accommodations. This involves providing professional documentation of a disability to Disability Resources and receiving approval for specific accommodations. Students can begin this process at any time during the year but are encouraged to register at least 60 days prior to the date that services are needed to help ensure that accommodations will be available. More information about the academic accommodation process and Disability Resources can be accessed online. Disability Resources is located in room 2206 of the Science Center and can be reached at 812-464-1961 or email .

I am a student with a disability who had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) when I was in high school. Will the University provide me with an IEP, and will I receive the same accommodations I was provided in high school?

No, you will not be provided with an IEP because such plans are only mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a law that is no longer applicable once you enter college. You also may or may not be approved to receive the same accommodations you received in high school. In high school, you may have had access to all the accommodations that were available at your high school. At the college level, you will be approved for the specific accommodations you need based on the symptoms of your disability that interfere with your ability to fully participate in class.

I am a student with a disability who has not received the academic accommodations that I need. What should I do?

If you have not yet followed the University's established process for registering for accommodations, you must do so in order to receive accommodations. However, if you have gone through that process and are having problems receiving accommodations in a class or have other concerns about any disability-related action taken or decision made by a faculty, staff member or by a department, you are strongly encouraged to first take your concerns to the faculty or staff member responsible for the decision or action followed by contact with that individual's supervisor(s), if needed. In most cases, this process will provide the quickest acceptable resolution to your concerns. If this informal process is unsuccessful, or if you are uncomfortable approaching the faculty or staff person, you may contact the Manager of Disability Resources at 812-464-1961 or email . If this process is unsuccessful or if you are uncomfortable approaching the staff in Disability Resources, you may contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email for assistance.

I am a student with a disability and submitted my professional documentation to Disability Resources, but was not approved for accommodations. What should I do?

You are encouraged to take your concerns to the  Manager of Disability Resources (812-464-1961 or email ) for an explanation of the reasons why your request for specific accommodations was not approved. If your documentation was too old or if it did not provide enough information about your disability for an eligibility decision to be made, you may be asked to provide additional or updated documentation. If you feel uncomfortable approaching the staff in Disability Resources, you may contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email for assistance.

I am a student with a disability who is registered with Disability Resources and who is receiving academic accommodations. However, my condition has changed and I need different or additional accommodations. What do I do?

If at any time your accommodations are not working, you should contact the Manager of Disability Resources (812-464-1961 or email ) for re-evaluation. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide further documentation to support your need for different or additional accommodations.

Is the accommodation process the same for non-academic activities such as extracurricular activities or USI-sponsored public events?

No. Disability Resources can help to facilitate accommodations for non-academic programs, but the accommodations that they approve for your academic courses do not automatically carry over to non-academic activities. However, students with disabilities have the right to request reasonable accommodations for such activities, and each department is responsible for the accessibility of any non-academic events or extra-curricular activities that it sponsors or conducts. The majority of USI-sponsored activities include an "accommodation statement" within the event or activity's promotional materials (e.g. brochures, invitations, websites, etc.) that tells participants where to direct requests or questions about accommodations for that event. If you are unable to find such a statement, directly contact the department that is sponsoring/conducting the event or extracurricular activity. If you are unable to determine which department is sponsoring a specific event or extracurricular activity, contact Disability Resources at 812-464-1961 or email .

Still have questions?
View more FAQ or contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-465-7101 or email .

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