University of Southern Indiana

Americans with Disabilities Act

The University of Southern Indiana is committed to the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities and to the continual improvement of the accessibility of our campus, programs and activities. To help guide these efforts, the ADA Coordinator position was created to provide an in-house resource with expertise with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As the University's focal point for disability-related issues, the ADA Coordinator collaborates with University offices, governmental agencies, advocacy groups and other local and regional disability service organizations in the ongoing endeavor to maximize the University's compliance with State and Federal mandates regarding our students, faculty, staff and student workers with disabilities.

The ADA Coordinator provides:

  • Consultation to the University on policy reviews and facilities planning
  • Training and education on ADA/504 compliance and other disability-related topics both within the University and in the community
  • A clearing house for information on the ADA/504 and other disability-related laws and regulations


Check out our frequently asked questions to find answers about disability accommodations provided for students, faculty and staff.

Still Have Questions about the ADA and/or Section 504?
If you cannot find the answer to your ADA/504 questions by reviewing this website or its related links, feel free to contact the ADA Coordinator at 812-625-4583.

Lynn Melms
Mrs. Lynn Melms
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Contact: 812-461-0450
Byron C. Wright Administration Building 162


Mailing Address:

Lynn Melms, Human Resources Business Partner and Interim ADA Coordinator
c/o University of Southern Indiana
Human Resources, FA 166
8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, IN 47712

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