RRT to BS in Respiratory Therapy
Currently Accepting Applications!
Apply by 10/07/22 | Start Class 10/24/22
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Program Overview
Offered by the College of Nursing and Health Professions at USI, the 100% online RRT to BSRT degree completion program is designed for practicing Registered Respiratory Therapists with the NBRC credential RRT. We will create an individualized plan of study that integrates your previously earned college credits from your RRT education.
Our affordable and convenient program gives you control over your schedule. Expand your knowledge from your RRT education and increase your earning power. The RRT to BSRT is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
$345 Per Credit Hour
Complete in as little as four semesters!
Click here to download and view our promotional flyer.
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Are you an adult over the age of 25 living in Indiana, interested in pursuing higher education? You may qualify for up to $2,000 with the Adult Student Grant offered by the state! See below to read more on how you can utilize this grant in our RRT-BSRT program, or visit the website directly.
Admission to the program is competitive and the selection of the applicants is based upon the following criteria:
- Completion of an associate degree in a CoARC accredited respiratory therapy program and regional accreditation of the college or university;
- Cumulative grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale in previous academic work; students with a 2.0 – 2.29 GPA will be considered on an individual basis;
- Must have an RRT credential through the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC);
- Completion of the University of Southern Indiana's undergraduate application
- Submission of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
- A one-time, nonrefundable $40 application fee
Non-native speakers of English must provide an official report confirming a TOEFL score of 525 (paper test) or 71 (Internet based), or IELTS score of 6.
AccreditationThe program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
CoARC's Main Webpage: www.coarc.com
CoARC's Outcomes Webpage: CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes based’ process. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented.
Credit for Prior Learning through Validation:
The University of Southern Indiana provides opportunities for RRT students progressing toward a BSRT degree to receive credit for previous professional experience. Students may receive credit for professional certification in a respiratory therapy specialty.
Validation with a nationally recognized certification:
- Students who are currently certified in an area which correlates to the course content may receive credit for the entire course.
- Students should submit a copy of their current certification to the course coordinator for approval.
- Students must request third party verification of certification submitted directly to administrative assistant for the RRT-BSRT program.
Specific Course Validation Guidelines:
REST 499: Special Topics in Respiratory Therapy
Course Coordinator: Jody Delp – jmdelp@usi.edu 812-464-1778
National certification specific to special topic covered. Special topics include:
- Pulmonary Function Technologist
- Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist
- Adult Critical Care Specialist
- Sleep Disorders Specialist
Respiratory Therapy Program Goals:
- To provide graduates of entry into respiratory care professional practice degree programs with additional knowledge, skills, and attributes in leadership, management, education, research, or advanced clinical practice both to meet their current professional goals and to prepare them for practice as advanced degree respiratory therapists.
- To provide community leadership through engagement, service learning, and organizational involvement.
- To provide an inclusive learning, caring community that supports students’ success and graduation.
- To serve as a leader in respiratory education, evidence-based practice, research, and health care.
- To promote and advance personal development and inter-professional collaboration of respiratory faculty, staff, graduates, and health professionals.
Respiratory Therapy Expected Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of all respiratory therapist program requirements, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate professional behaviors consistent with the respiratory care code of ethics, ethical obligations, and professional conduct.
- Demonstrate appropriate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, time management skills, interpersonal communication skills, and technical skills necessary to provide competent respiratory care in multidisciplinary care settings.
- Evaluate evidence-based best practices through research and the critique and interpretation of professional scientific literature.
- Assess current issues and trends in health care, including public policy, access, quality improvement, and legal and ethical topics.
- Develop respiratory education through the diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients affected by cardiopulmonary disorders.
- Apply and evaluate information in relation to the advanced medical treatment of the critically ill adult patient relevant to his/her role as an advanced level respiratory therapist.
- Illustrate understanding of the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation and its impact on cardiopulmonary disorders.
- Examine effective leadership techniques and practices used in the healthcare setting.
- Apply knowledge learned to specific areas of respiratory therapy through independent research.
What is the application deadline?
- Six application deadlines per year
- Applicants can apply during spring, summer, or fall semesters
What is a “block credit?”
- A block of up to 50 credit hours will be applied toward the BSRT upon proof of the RRT credential and licensure where applicable.
What are the prerequisites?
- Must have completed a CoARC accredited program in Respiratory Therapy and hold a minimum of Associate degree in Respiratory Therapy.
- Must hold the Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credential awarded by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC).
How long is the program?
- The length of the program is contingent upon each student but possible to complete within 12 months depending on the number of courses taken each semester.
- All courses including non-respiratory therapy support courses are 7 weeks in duration.
What degree do I receive?
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Respiratory Therapy
Do I need official transcripts?
- Yes, one copy of all previous college or university transcripts for USI Admissions office and one copy mailed separately to the program.
Core Respiratory Therapy Courses
- REST 451: Management and Leadership for Respiratory Therapy
- REST 452: Introduction to Research in Respiratory Therapy
- REST 453: Respiratory Therapy Disease Management Concepts
- REST 454: Advanced Critical Care Management
- REST 455: Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Geriatrics
- REST 456: Professional Issues in Respiratory Therapy
- REST 460: Independent Study of Respiratory Therapy (1-6 credit hours)
- REST 499: Special Topics in Respiratory Therapy (3-6 credit hours)
Non-Respiratory Support Courses
The number of non-respiratory support courses needed will be determined by a review of your transcripts.
- HP 302: Biostatistics
- IPH 356: Ethics and Healthcare in a Pluralistic Society
- NUTR 376: Principles and Applications in Nutrition
- IPH 401: Interprofessional Perspectives on Global Health
- WLC 155: Cultural Diversity, or a course that transfers in such as: BS World Language Culture requirement such as humanities or anthropology
One of the following or a class that transfers in as:
- MATH 107: Fundamentals of Mathematics for Nursing (4 credit hours) OR
- MATH 114: Quantitative Reasoning (3 credit hours) OR
- MATH 111: College Algebra (4 credit hours)
All courses listed are three (3) credit hours unless designated otherwise.
Courses within the RRT to BSRT Program are offered entirely online using a learning management system. Access to a reliable computer with internet access is required.
- All courses are offered online, giving you control over your schedule
- Seven-week courses with multiple start dates, allowing students to enroll six times per year
- Opportunities for validation of courses are available through the board certification
- Students may transfer in credits earned at an accredited community college or 4-year university.
- No limitation on number of credits that may transfer into USI.
- For students who earned an AS degree somewhere other than USI, a block of up to 50 credit hours may be awarded with confirmation of the RRT credential and licensure.
- A minimum of 30 credit hours toward the completion of the baccalaureate degree must be earned from USI.
- 22-30 core respiratory therapy credits
- Not more than 19 non-respiratory support courses
- Total program requirements: 120 credits
- 39 credit hours of the 120 credit hours earned must consist of courses at the 300/400 level to be eligible for the Bachelor of Science degree.
- Students must make a “C” or better in each REST course to progress or complete the RRT to BSRT program. Students will not receive course credit for grades of “D” or below and must repeat the REST course to progress.
Program Calendar
Course Start | Application Deadline | Document Deadline | Registration Deadline |
10/24/22 | 10/07/22 | 10/14/22 | 10/21/22 |
01/09/23 | 12/23/23 | 12/30/22 | 01/06/23 |
03/13/23 | 02/24/23 | 03/03/23 | 03/10/23 |
"The online RRT to BSRT is user-friendly, beneficial, and accommodating. It helped me advance my career to a Lead Respiratory Therapist position!"
- Adam Kiesel, Lead RRT, Franciscan Health
Quick Links
Express Your Interest | Scholarships & Aid | RRT to BSRT Student Handbook

Mrs. Jody Delp
Chair of Respiratory Therapy