Graduate Studies Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in Graduate Studies' scholarship opportunities. Please review this website for further details regarding scholarship options for USI Graduate Students.

Get Started


Please complete the following steps to apply for a Graduate Studies Scholarship.

Complete Application

Complete the online Graduate Studies Scholarship application. You will be redirected to the myUSI login page via Okta Verify.

Start Application


After submission, you will receive a confirmation email. Please review the provided information. If any corrections are needed, please contact Graduate Studies.


Graduate Studies will finalize scholarship recipients soon. You will be informed via your Eagles student email account of our decision.

Account Update

If awarded, we ask for a minimum of two weeks to update student accounts with scholarship information. If the award does not appear on your account after this time frame, please inform our office.


Accepted into a USI Graduate Program

Academically in Good Standing

Currently Enrolled in USI Graduate Course(s)


School of Graduate Studies

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