University of Southern Indiana

Planned Giving

A gift to support the University of Southern Indiana can be made through a will or estate plan, including life insurance policies. Commonly referred to as a planned or deferred gift, these gifts can ensure support of USI extends well into the future.

There are several ways to make a planned gift and USI Foundation staff will gladly provide detailed information. Certain planned gifts can provide income and/or tax saving benefits to the donor.

Examples include:

  • Including the USI Foundation in your will or estate
  • Including the USI Foundation as a beneficiary to your retirement plan or life insurance policy
  • Creating a charitable gift annuity that will provide you with income during your lifetime
  • Supporting USI and your family with a charitable remainder unitrust, charitable remainder annuity trust, or charitable lead trust

When planning a future gift to USI, please direct gifts to the University of Southern Indiana Foundation. 

Contact the USI Foundation at (812) 464-1918 for more information about planned giving. 

Contact David Bower


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