University of Southern Indiana


Financial barriers to higher education are very real. Although USI offers the lowest tuition of any four-year public institution in Indiana, higher education is still out of reach for many potential students. Many USI students are working full-time or supporting families and need access to scholarships and other forms of financial aid to realize their dreams. 

Currently, 1,900 students are impacted by scholarships totaling $2.5 million. 

Establishing a scholarship with the USI Foundation is easy. There are three main components:

  • Name of the scholarship
  • Criteria for the scholarship (determined by the donor)
    • Consider - Financial need, students from diverse socio-economic and ethnic populations, student athletes, etc. 
  • How the scholarship will be funded
    • Endowed Scholarship: An endowed scholarship produces a perpetual yearly distribution in the form of a scholarship. The USI Foundation recommends a minimum gift of $25,000 to establish an endowed scholarship. Endowed scholarship can be funded at one time or up to a five-year period
    • Annual Scholarship: An annual scholarship is funded with a yearly gift. A minimum gift commitment of $4,000 ($1,000/year) will establish an annual scholarship. An annual scholarship can be funded at one time or up to a 12-month period.

Friends and alumni who provide endowed and annual scholarships have the opportunity to interact with their scholarship recipients at an annual luncheon hosted by the USI Foundation.

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