University of Southern Indiana

Here & Now Fund

The Here & Now Fund, formerly known as the Annual Fund, is the USI Foundation’s structure to provide direct assistance to our students. Throughout the academic year, USI must be ready at any given moment to act in support of student development beyond the projected, budgeted items. State appropriations cover less than 50 percent of the University’s budget. Gifts to the Here & Now Fund allow the University to respond to immediate needs of students and programs - student achievement and success is enriched here and now because unrestricted gifts provide an immediate investment when it is needed most.

Examples of unrestricted investments include:

  • Student travel due to advancement in national and global competitions 
  • Scholarships and tuition assistance for students facing extreme financial hardship
  • Innovative technology needed to enhance academic programs
  • Resources for advanced student research and presentation of faculty research
  • Tools for engaging with the community in ways that improve student learning. 

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