University of Southern Indiana

Free Scholarship Searches

Scholarship Search Services

You can use the following search engines to look for external scholarships of your own. 

NOTE: We do not recommend using paid scholarship search sites. Do your research before paying. You can learn about common scholarship scams at the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, or

  • CareerOneStopCareerOneStop is a career, training, and job search website for the U.S. Department of Labor. It also contains a free scholarship search engine.
  • College Board: The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity.
  • College Connection was founded by a group of parents who went through the college financial aid process with their children and saw a need to improve the process. 
  • Fast Web: Fastweb claims to be the premier online resource when it comes to paying for and preparing for school. They have scholarships for every type of student from the high school freshmen to the returning adult.
  • International Education Financial Aid (IEFA): IEFA's mission is to promote international education worldwide through the development and publication of the most comprehensive database of International Education Financial Aid information available on the Internet.
  • Peterson's Scholarship Search: A database provided by the college guide publisher is one of the largest undergraduate scholarship databases available.
  • UNIGO: UNIGO provides cutting-edge tools, compelling content, and essential information, empowering students to make the best decisions about their college experience.

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