University of Southern Indiana

Direct Pay Form Instructions

Use the direct pay form to initiate payment to companies or individuals when a University purchase order is not required. One of the following conditions should be met:

  • Amount is less than $1,000
  • Direct refunds of income
  • Payroll withholdings
  • Honoraria
  • Travel related payments
    • Registration fees
    • Candidate meals
    • Non-employee travel reimbursements (guests, consultants, or students)
    • Athletics travel for scouting, recruiting, or team travel
  • Memberships
  • Subscriptions
  • Utilities
  • Legal fees
  • Payments from agency funds (Fund = 84xxx or 85xxx)

Form Instructions

A direct pay form video tutorial and examples of completed direct pay forms are also available.

Type the name of the company or individual to whom payment should be issued.

Provide the address to which payment should be mailed. (For direct deposit, please provide the mailing address of the company or individual.)

Business Purpose
Provide the explanation why the items or services are being purchased. Include who, when, and/or where to further illustrate why this is a business expense.

Additional Information
Answer the questions listed in the additional information section of the form.

For information about food purchases, refer to AP Guidelines and Procedures for policies relating to the purchase of food from University funds or section B.25 of the University Handbook for search committee guidelines.

The names and Banner ID numbers of recipients must be provided for the purchase of all employee apparel regardless of dollar value. A list of recipients and Form W-9 is only required for other individuals receiving apparel if the unit price of the items received is $25 or more. For additional information, refer to AP Guidelines and Procedures and section B.22 of the University Handbook.

The names of recipients and Form W-9 must be provided for any recipient of a gift card, gift certificate, or other cash equivalent prize, award, gift, or giveaway. The same information is also required for non-cash items valued at $25 or more.  For more information, refer to AP Guidelines and Procedures.

Fund, Orgn, Acct, Actv
Enter the valid five digit Fund, Orgn, and Acct numbers in the fields provided. The five digit Actv is optional.

Form Submission

Financial manager signature is required for each Fund-Orgn combination listed. A list of authorized financial managers and alternates is available online.

Print the direct pay form and forward the approved document along with all original supporting documentation to Accounts Payable.

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