University of Southern Indiana

Sexual Health Resources

Did you know?

  • Condoms are available for FREE at the University Health Center (lower level of HP), Counseling Center (Orr Center 1051), and in Housing & Residence Life (at the C-Store front desk and HRL front desk). 
  • Free and confidential HIV testing is offered on campus each month. No appointments - just drop in! Visit for current testing dates. 


University Health Center - The UHC (located on the lower level of Health Professions Building) offers basic sexual and reproductive health services, including women's health exams, STD testing, and birth control. 

Taking charge of your sexual health - Developed by the National Coalition for Sexual Health, this guide includes action steps for achieving good sexual health, information on recommended sexual health services, and tips on how to talk with a health care provider.

5 Action Steps to Good Sexual Health - Practical tips, advice, conversation starters, real-life examples and resources. 

Safer sex practices:

Effectiveness of contraception - Information from the CDC about the different forms of birth control and levels of effectiveness. 

Benefits of Condoms - Information from the CDC about the importance of using condoms. Learn how to properly use specific kinds of condoms below: 

LGBT Health - Information from the CDC for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) individuals.

STDs and Testing:

HIV/AIDS Prevention - Information from the CDC about the basics of HIV, risk factors, and strategies to minimize risk. 

STD Fact Sheets - Learn more about specific STDs including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and more. 

AIDS Resource Group Evansville - ARG provides supportive and preventive services to those affected and infected by HIV, Hep C, and those who live an at-risk lifestyle of becoming infected.

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