Tools and self-assessments:
Note: These assessments are for educational purposes only. Please consult with your medical provider for specific guidance on your sleep habits.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale - How likely are you to nod off or fall asleep in certain situations? Take this sleepiness assessment and discuss your results with a doctor.
Sleep Diary - Use this worksheet from the National Sleep Foundation to track your sleep habits for better sleep.
Sleep Information:
Healthy Sleep (Harvard) - Understand why sleep matters, the science of sleep, and how to get the sleep you need.
Sleeping well in the digital age - Understand how cell phones and other electronic devices impact sleep, and learn how you can improve sleep quality in light of these challenges.
National Sleep Foundation - A source for sleep research, and information on topics ranging from sleep disorders to maximizing energy.
American Sleep Association - A national organization focusing on improving awareness of sleep benefits and problems.
Common Sleep Myths - A handout of myths and facts from the Sleep Health Foundation.
Spotify Sleep Playlist - A playlist of relaxing instrumentals to help you sleep.
Guided Meditation for Sleep - This YouTube video provides a guided meditation to promote relaxation and sleep.