University of Southern Indiana

Fundraising: the early years

Administrative Assistants and Associates


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Through the efforts of many members, and even some non-members, and with approval and cooperation with university administrators and faculty, we raised a lot of money through our fund-raisers.

We held card parties and style shows. Our first card party was held in the Temporary Union Building (TUB), a portable building put up on the west side of the administration/classroom building.

For several years we made and sold apple butter at the Virgil C. Eicher Barn on campus. Joni Jost was the first apple butter chairman in 1978. This venture was a success because of many people peeling apples, stirring, canning and selling. But most of all we could not have done it without the help of Harry Thompson, who brought his copper-lined kettles to the campus and showed us how to make the apple butter. Nearly 500 pints were sold at the University's open house each year for about ten years.

Over the years we sold candy, pizzas and flower bulbs. We held raffles, bake sales and craft fairs. We held Hacienda fund-raisers and Blue Jeans for Babies button sales. We sold food at the Ohio River Arts Festivals for several years. We sold cookbooks and USI pins and earrings, and we had numerous white elephant sales.

With our proceeds, we gave thousands of dollars in scholarships to needy and worthy students, and even gave scholarships to club members for a period of time. We established a scholarship endowment, the interest of which is used to award even more scholarships.

Taken in part from Mary Lue Russler's AA&A's 40th year history remarks. 

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